Make Your Officemates start Blogging

It's so funny. I have a short chat with some of my coleagues in the office about blogging. Their perceptions is that blogging is just a personal diaries of a teeny booper who are a friendster addict and are hunger for a real romance.. you think it's funny.

Then I told them that I'm a blogger and at Friendster, too. Then, they start to ask why?. I told them that there's a social network revolution out there that they need to see and find out if their perceptions were correct. They never knew that some personal opinions that I discussed to them on the current events, trends, politics, technology and the like are all based from what I read on blogs. And they were amazed.

When you start blogging, for sure you will gain network of friends while learning things how to earn dollars out of it. Mind you, I see more dollars on their face as they are puzzled and intrigue with the last phrase i have uttered :)

The craze for instant publishing is unstoppable and the battle for supremacy is unimaginable. I told them that blogging is more of words and not just for pictures as you see it on your Friendster accounts. Mine is just a start-up and should catch-up because I'de like to achieve more readership. They asked me how I do it because they are aware that I'm not a writer...and I told them " wala lang sinubukan ko lang."

They want instant hint on how they should go about the process and I give them some pointers that I have researched from probloggers on the net.

The web is about words. No matter how visual and audible it becomes, it continues to be about the words. Some claims that content is king and I think they are right. Blogging is all about writing and It should be king that you should protect.

Here are my top 10 things to think about in creating an army to protect your blog.

  • Know your Subject: If you have several topics you want to cover in one blog post, all unrelated, what are you writing about? If you like to do that, make sure you create categories for every post you like. Use Wordpress not Blogger because it has ways to categorize your post.
  • Originality Wins: Original content will always win over redundant, blockquoting, and echo chamber content. Even if you can’t write well, the attempt to say it in your words is always appreciated and welcome.
  • Make Blog Paragraph Short: Blog writing lends itself to shorter sentences and paragraphs for easier reading on a web page. Web readers want information fast and in small digestible chunks. Huge bulky paragraphs make reading online very difficult, however single sentence paragraphs can make the reader uncomfortable.
  • Make your Blog Talks: It’s important to write in a conversational style because your readers will relate to you, the person behind the blog. Your writing should give the illusion you are speaking directly to the reader. Match the writing style with the content.
  • Move Your Reader Through the Story: A blog post or article has something to say. It begins, has a middle, and ends. Move the reader through the content, as well as into it. Make them want to scroll down for more.
  • Present Facts: Everyone has an opinion. What makes your opinion different from other opinions is that yours is based upon the facts. Wild accusations, suggestions, and analogies do not build trust and respect.
  • Make Your Point in the First 200 Words: You have less than a second to capture your reader’s attention. If the user on your site, feed, or search engine summary doesn’t “get the point” in the first two or three sentences, you’ve lost them
  • Make Your Images Speak: Photos that you inserted in your blog should have something to say to compensate your post. Don't put images that are irrelevant to your contents. Readers sometimes are turned-off with this kind of behavior.
  • Be a Friend of Google: With the recent public release of the Google Patent for Blog PageRank, you must be aware of your keywords that will work to the algorithm and multiple content matching of the keywords match with your content. This will help your blog increase your page ranking and visibility. More importantly, write with keywords and tags or labels to help your reader know exactly what you are writing
  • Learn to Earn Dollars: Google adsence is helping site owners to monetize thru their sites. Take advantage of it and create your account for free. The program combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages.
I just hope with these basic tips, Blogging would be a regular habit to everyone of us who are bonded in the corner of an office cubicles. It's about time for us to see and know things in a new light.

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Make Your Officemates start Blogging

It's so funny. I have a short chat with some of my coleagues in the office about blogging. Their perceptions is that blogging is just a personal diaries of a teeny booper who are a friendster addict and are hunger for a real romance.. you think it's funny.

Then I told them that I'm a blogger and at Friendster, too. Then, they start to ask why?. I told them that there's a social network revolution out there that they need to see and find out if their perceptions were correct. They never knew that some personal opinions that I discussed to them on the current events, trends, politics, technology and the like are all based from what I read on blogs. And they were amazed.

When you start blogging, for sure you will gain network of friends while learning things how to earn dollars out of it. Mind you, I see more dollars on their face as they are puzzled and intrigue with the last phrase i have uttered :)

The craze for instant publishing is unstoppable and the battle for supremacy is unimaginable. I told them that blogging is more of words and not just for pictures as you see it on your Friendster accounts. Mine is just a start-up and should catch-up because I'de like to achieve more readership. They asked me how I do it because they are aware that I'm not a writer...and I told them " wala lang sinubukan ko lang."

They want instant hint on how they should go about the process and I give them some pointers that I have researched from probloggers on the net.

The web is about words. No matter how visual and audible it becomes, it continues to be about the words. Some claims that content is king and I think they are right. Blogging is all about writing and It should be king that you should protect.

Here are my top 10 things to think about in creating an army to protect your blog.

  • Know your Subject: If you have several topics you want to cover in one blog post, all unrelated, what are you writing about? If you like to do that, make sure you create categories for every post you like. Use Wordpress not Blogger because it has ways to categorize your post.
  • Originality Wins: Original content will always win over redundant, blockquoting, and echo chamber content. Even if you can’t write well, the attempt to say it in your words is always appreciated and welcome.
  • Make Blog Paragraph Short: Blog writing lends itself to shorter sentences and paragraphs for easier reading on a web page. Web readers want information fast and in small digestible chunks. Huge bulky paragraphs make reading online very difficult, however single sentence paragraphs can make the reader uncomfortable.
  • Make your Blog Talks: It’s important to write in a conversational style because your readers will relate to you, the person behind the blog. Your writing should give the illusion you are speaking directly to the reader. Match the writing style with the content.
  • Move Your Reader Through the Story: A blog post or article has something to say. It begins, has a middle, and ends. Move the reader through the content, as well as into it. Make them want to scroll down for more.
  • Present Facts: Everyone has an opinion. What makes your opinion different from other opinions is that yours is based upon the facts. Wild accusations, suggestions, and analogies do not build trust and respect.
  • Make Your Point in the First 200 Words: You have less than a second to capture your reader’s attention. If the user on your site, feed, or search engine summary doesn’t “get the point” in the first two or three sentences, you’ve lost them
  • Make Your Images Speak: Photos that you inserted in your blog should have something to say to compensate your post. Don't put images that are irrelevant to your contents. Readers sometimes are turned-off with this kind of behavior.
  • Be a Friend of Google: With the recent public release of the Google Patent for Blog PageRank, you must be aware of your keywords that will work to the algorithm and multiple content matching of the keywords match with your content. This will help your blog increase your page ranking and visibility. More importantly, write with keywords and tags or labels to help your reader know exactly what you are writing
  • Learn to Earn Dollars: Google adsence is helping site owners to monetize thru their sites. Take advantage of it and create your account for free. The program combines pay-per-click and pay-per-impression advertising - meaning you get paid for valid clicks on the ads on your site or search results pages as well as impressions on your content pages.
I just hope with these basic tips, Blogging would be a regular habit to everyone of us who are bonded in the corner of an office cubicles. It's about time for us to see and know things in a new light.

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Blogged with Flock

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