August 21, 1983 was really a significant date for all of us Pinoy. On this particular date we remember the martyrdom of Benigno "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. and thru his death, the nationalistic spirit of Filipinos from all walks of life was reborn. They have joined hand-in hand for a massive unified crusade on the streets of Manila and EDSA and ended the 20 year dictator regime of the late Ferdinand Marcos and this was became popular as the bloodless People Power Revolution.
I was just a grade 3 pupil when he was assassinated and I really don't understant what my teachers are talking about Ninoy. Also I remember on this date, we go to an early mass with my father before we went to school and this continue every year without knowing why. It was only on my six grade that I stop going with him. I have already so many barkadas and have more priorities at school. Then, I ask him why?
They were ambushed by guerillas and he was a lone survivor. He was paying homage to his comrades who lost their lives in that tragic moment in Mindanao. He was also thankful for his life that he had continued his mission not on the high forest and feaful terrains but to the loving care of his wife and his eight children. . .
your father was so lucky to spare his life and was lucky to of having you as a son..keep on writing.. i love your narratives..