It's been an honor and privilege to hold and scan the pages of "Noli Me Tangere", one of the works of our greatest hero, Jose Rizal. Although it was just a replica of the original book, its a rare find and collection of a man who's nationalistic spirit was resurrected while in abroad for over 20 years.
The book was reprinted here in the Philippines decades ago and when you browse its pages you feel as if you are reading the original manuscript. As we all know, it is the novel with the greatest impact on the Filipinos' political thinking in the 19th and 20th centuries.
This book was written by Rizal not to attack the Spanish regime but the ruthless Friars who have made the Catholic religion an instrument for enriching themselves and perpetuating themselves in power by taking advantage to the ignorant Filipino in fanaticism and superstitions instead of teaching them true Catholicism.
This book is a charter of nationalism. It calls on the Filipinos to recover his self-confidence, to appreciate his own worth, to return to the heritage of his ancestors, to assert himself as the equal of the Spaniards.
Rizal finished the Noli in 1887, and published 2,000 copies in Berlin. Thousands more have since circulated in the original Spanish and translated in other languages such as German, French, Chinese, English and Tagalog. The book that I have seen was from the original manuscript (penmanship and pen correction).
Now, as we celebrate the 108th Anniversary of our Independence, this book is something that we should reminisce and take pride for the bravery and patriotism Dr. Jose Rizal and other martyrs have shown and done for the country to achieve our independence and freedom from the oppression of the Spaniards for almost 300 years.
"Touch Me Not, I am not yet ascended to my Father, but to go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God and your God."
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